1 00:00:00,359 --> 00:00:08,592 [music] 2 00:00:08,592 --> 00:00:09,627 Hi, I'm Stephen Hickok, 3 00:00:09,627 --> 00:00:11,924 and welcome to this month’s DCMA Roundup. 4 00:00:11,924 --> 00:00:13,775 A lot has happened in October, 5 00:00:13,775 --> 00:00:17,653 so here are a few highlights of stories featured on the DCMA homepage. 6 00:00:18,074 --> 00:00:20,080 How did 40-year-old drawings potentially prevent 7 00:00:20,080 --> 00:00:23,034 146 million dollars-worth of damage? 8 00:00:23,034 --> 00:00:25,406 James Vaughn, a quality assurance engineer out of 9 00:00:25,406 --> 00:00:28,563 DCMA Indianapolis, examined engineering and assembly 10 00:00:28,563 --> 00:00:32,297 drawings printed in 1973 for the M88 Hercules 11 00:00:32,297 --> 00:00:35,154 recovery vehicle. Vaughn's interpretation of the drawings 12 00:00:35,154 --> 00:00:37,561 prevented a potential incorrect installation of an 13 00:00:37,561 --> 00:00:39,534 oil pump housing in the vehicle. 14 00:00:39,534 --> 00:00:43,032 Drones have become critical tools depended on by our warfighters. 15 00:00:43,032 --> 00:00:45,651 DCMA Baltimore’s program support has helped make 16 00:00:45,651 --> 00:00:49,645 the drones' reliability a reality. The RQ7B 17 00:00:49,645 --> 00:00:52,792 Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System drone, known as the Shadow, 18 00:00:52,792 --> 00:00:56,033 just passed one million flight hours. A milestone achieved 19 00:00:56,033 --> 00:00:59,801 in part by the production and repair oversight by the Baltimore team. 20 00:00:59,801 --> 00:01:02,934 In leadership news, Army Colonel Anthony Wizner assumed command 21 00:01:02,934 --> 00:01:04,366 of DCMA Central Region. 22 00:01:04,366 --> 00:01:07,827 You probably also noticed that your boss was out of the office recently 23 00:01:07,827 --> 00:01:10,852 as the agency headquarters hosted the Commander’s Conference in 24 00:01:10,852 --> 00:01:12,975 Northern Virginia. Here’s what our director had to say 25 00:01:12,975 --> 00:01:14,230 about the conference. 26 00:01:14,230 --> 00:01:17,027 When your commanders and deputies come home, 27 00:01:17,027 --> 00:01:21,055 you make sure that they spend time with you updating you on the 28 00:01:21,055 --> 00:01:24,419 latest things going on at DCMA. They owe it to you. 29 00:01:24,419 --> 00:01:27,406 Hold them accountable for it. I’m going to hold them accountable 30 00:01:27,406 --> 00:01:28,518 the same way. 31 00:01:28,518 --> 00:01:31,045 For more photos and videos of the events, be sure to check out our 32 00:01:31,045 --> 00:01:34,704 Facebook page. October was a busy month for events and campaigns. 33 00:01:34,704 --> 00:01:37,505 We celebrated Red Ribbon week, Energy Action Month, 34 00:01:37,505 --> 00:01:39,993 National Disability Employment Awareness Month, and 35 00:01:39,993 --> 00:01:43,203 National Hispanic Heritage Month. And, the 2016 Combined 36 00:01:43,203 --> 00:01:45,787 Federal Campaign has officially kicked off. Check with your 37 00:01:45,787 --> 00:01:49,628 supervisor or office CFC coordinator to see how you can participate. 38 00:01:50,146 --> 00:01:52,572 Read these stories and more at dcma.mil 39 00:01:52,572 --> 00:01:54,442 and be sure to visit our Facebook page 40 00:01:54,442 --> 00:01:56,811 to learn more about what’s going on at DCMA. 41 00:01:56,811 --> 00:01:59,051 Thanks for watching. I’ll see you next time. 42 00:01:59,249 --> 00:02:10,848 [music]