Electronic Contract Administration Request System (ECARS)

  The eTools Electronic Contract Administration Request System (ECARS) application is an update to DCARRS. It provides web-based functionality to track delegations from foreign and domestic (non-Department of Defense) customers. It is designed to provide greater visibility to our customers and enhance communication. In addition, external customers can go on-line and create requests for services (attach contractual documents/additional information) from DCMA and DCAA field offices. 

The web interface is real-time, thereby, providing current information whenever and wherever you need it. The web provides 24-7 capabilities so that an international customer can request services electronically, versus "snail mail." Rapid, virtual routing of requests reduce the time frame between receipt and acceptance/ redelegation. Just one more step in the process of web-enabling the applications you use to make it easier and less time consuming to do your jobs.


How To Use - DCMA Access Only


Roles and Rules


User Manual(s)
Reports Training
Helpful Links
Create a Delegation
Forecasted vs. Budgeted Hours
New Work Awaiting Action
ECARS 2.1 Enhancement Training
Incomplete Delegation
Review Delegation
DCMA Service Center
Acceptance of Contract Management Delegations
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Support
Department of Defense Reimbursable Rates
Thomas Mathews
Robert Ketchum