Contingency Response Force

Deployable Civilian Cadre

The DCMA Contingency Response Force (CRF) is DCMA’s Deployment program to support the recruitment, development, and deployment of individuals supporting the Agency’s Combat Support Agency role as a force provider in accordance with Department of Defense. Identification of this dedicated cadre of personnel provides predictability and stability of personnel resources required for deployed operations.

DCMA CRF Program Personnel are hired for permanent federal positions, with a four-year Emergency Essential (EE) Deployment agreement that has been designated as a condition of employment. Upon completion of the four year program personnel are permanently placed into positions at the location they were hired. All CRF personnel are part of the Acquisition workforce in the following series, Contracting, Property, and Quality Specialists.

Conditions of employment are requirements that must be met prior to entrance on duty:

  • Must obtain/maintain a Security Clearance
  • Must sign an Emergency Essential agreement
  • Must be exempt from Reserve status
  • Must clear Medical/Dental

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Presence in the US

DCMA Headquarters: Fort Gregg-Adams, VA

DCMA CRF personnel are assigned to a permanent duty station (PDS), which is the regular day to day work location when not deployed. CRF are expected to work at the PDS as a regular employee until notified of deployment.

Map of the US with Chicago, IL; Boston,MA; Fort Gregg-Adams, VA; Carson, CA; and St. Augustine, FL highlighted

Contingency Response Force Cycle


1) Permanent Duty Station

The CRF cycle begins at PDS, here personnel perform the normal duties assigned by their Supervisor. CRF personnel will work on training/certification requirements for their skill set. Upon certification, personnel are eligible for deployment. At their PDS they will also work to maintain deployment readiness, for example: if applicable maintaining a family care plan, medical readiness, and security clearance.


2) Pre-Deployment

When personnel are selected for deployment, the Combat Support Team will initiate contact to begin the pre-deployment process and ensure preparedness for deployment. Our team will schedule required training, advise and assist with medical clearance, assist with travel orders and establish the deployment date. The deployment begins when personnel arrive to the deployment center. At the deployment center CRFs are issued their gear, receive final clearance, and will depart directly to the deployed location.

3) Deployment

At the deployed location CRFs serve under the in theater Command and are there to support their mission. Deployed personnel will conduct a turnover with the person they are replacing and will need to learn and understand their duties to support the mission. While deployed, contact with their home station supervisor and CSC members is maintained.

4) ReDeploy

When the deployment is complete personnel will ReDeploy through the deployment center to clear medical and turn in gear en route to their PDS. They return to their PDS Supervision, duties and assigned workload. CRF dwell (time between deployments) is at least 6 months but may be more if our personnel strength allows and can be shortened only by exception. On average a CRF member will complete 2-3 deployments within the 4 year commitment

DCMA Invests in their Employees


CRF Learning Continuum


The program provides training and development to participants so they can perform at the full acquisition level required in their career field.

Four stacked boxes. Box 1: Individual Training; Box 2: Self Development; Box 3: Collective Training; Box 4: Deployment Preparation all feeding into a larger box titled, Mission Ready

CRFs spend up to three years gaining technical knowledge and skills, in accordance with DCMA guidelines and the Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) for education and training. A variety of training methods are used to develop CRFs to include formal classroom training, distance learning, specialized projects, extensive on-the-job training, coaching, and mentoring. CRF personnel will have not only the theory, but also the practical experience to excel in their particular career field.

Combat Support Mission

As a Combat Support Agency, DCMA is responsible for deploying Agency capability, including personnel and equipment, into a Combatant Commander’s area of responsibility in response to validated requests for support and deployment authorization by the Secretary of Defense.

Deployments in the Central Command (CENTCOM) and European (EUCOM) area of responsibility (AOR) will vary in range from seven months to a year.

The mission continues, and the nation’s need for the services of the capable members of our civilian workforce remains. Their service benefits the Department as they return with broadened perspectives, critical experiences, and a deeper understanding of their role in support of DoD’s contingency operations.

Benefits of Being a Federal Employee


Connecting DCMA to the Frontline


A career with the U.S. government provides employees with a comprehensive benefits package. As a federal employee, you and your family will have access to a range of benefits that are designed to make your federal career very rewarding. Our CRF members at the GS-11 and 12 grade level are eligible to receive a temporary promotion while deployed. This gives higher grade level specialized experience and benefits members when applying for promotions. In addition, DCMA authorizes three hours of physical fitness time, CRF members may take advantage of this program to assist maintaining their readiness.

  • Health Insurance
  • Dental & Vision Insurance
  • Life Insurance
  • Student Loan Repayment
  • Flexible Spending Accounts
  • Competitive Salary
  • Incentives & Awards
  • Leave & Workplace Flexibilities
  • Paid Holidays
  • Premium Pay
  • Foreign Post Differential
  • Danger Pay


Those who have answered the call to serve consider it an honor and privilege to support our warfighters and our country.

Department of State Office of Allowances


How to Become a Deployee

DCMA is a proud employer of military members and their spouses

  • Apply for Contingency Response Force positions on USAJobs (noted deployable in description)
  • Pass medical/dental exam
  • Obtain security clearance
  • Commit to four (4) years Emergency Essential agreement to deploy.
Current Vacancies

Kimberly Gayton
Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA)
Total Force Executive Directorate
Combat Support Center
Force Management Group PH TFCF
(804) 420-0915 | WhatsApp (804) 420-0915 |