DCMA Pricing Support

DCMA provides pricing, technical pricing and negotiation support. Our teams are organized by contractor and type of request.

You can use the links below to search for a cognizant team by CAGE code or ask a question that will be routed to the right team.


For all classified and other restricted support, please contact DCMA Special Programs to discuss the request: dcma.gregg-adams.hq.mbx.dcmas-cost-and-pricing-inbox@mail.mil

For all requests to review foreign contractors, please contact DCMA International to discuss the request by following the guidance on their Information Sheet.

For all requests in support of NASA programs, please contact DCMA NASA Product Operations (NPO) at dcma.san-antonio-tx.npo.mbx.nasa-cfa-audit-desk@mail.mil.


Services offered and required documentation

View available pricing and technical pricing services from DCMA. 

How to request support

Review this document for instructions on how to request pricing support.

Contact Us Cognizant Office Locator

Receive the cognizant team's contact information and point of contact via email to request support.

Support Request Form

Gather information and document the scope, then submit it with your request email to the cognizant team.

Have a question?

Discuss with the cognizant team (if CAGE is provided) or with the Pricing Staff (if CAGE is not provided).