Commercial Item Group (CIG)

The DCMA Commercial Item Group serves as the Department of Defense’s commercial acquisition subject matter experts, interfacing with industry and enabling the DoD to streamline the acquisition cycle. 

Mission: Modernize commercial acquisition practices supporting affordability and readiness for the Warfighter.
Vision: The Government’s cadre of experts providing commercial acquisition solutions.

What's New

Upcoming Events

  • Office Hours: 6 Feb 1:00-2:00
  • Office Hours: 6 Mar 1:00-2:00
  • Office Hours: 3 Apr 1:00-2:00
  • Office Hours: 1 May 1:00-2:00
  • Office Hours: 5 Jun 1:00-2:00
  • Office Hours: 7 Aug 1:00-2:00
  • Office Hours: 4 Sep 1:00-2:00
  • Office Hours: 2 Oct 1:00-2:00
  • Office Hours: 6 Nov 1:00-2:00

CIG Commerciality/ Pricing Support Thresholds

  • Commercial Determination (CD) request:
    • Prime Evaluation = $250K
    • Subcontractor Evaluation = $2M
  • Fair and Reasonable Price Analysis request:
    • Prime or Subcontractor Evaluation = $2M

Note: Requests are only accepted from Government entities. Requests that are below established thresholds may be evaluated on a case-by-case basis for supportability.

Commercial Item Group (CIG) – Capabilities
Market Analysis
We provide market research to assist you in developing effective acquisition strategies for procurement of commercial items and services. We are familiar with customary commercial practices that can be incorporated into your acquisition strategy to enhance competition and leverage cutting edge commercial technologies.
Commercial Determinations (CDs)
Market research can be the key to a well-founded commercial determination. The FAR includes 9 distinct commercial definitions that often require in-depth analysis. In difficult or complex grey areas our experts can help you make an informed commercial determination.
Price Analysis
Establishing price reasonableness for sole source Commercial Items can be challenging and requires an understanding of commercial pricing techniques as well as market conditions. Our experts can also assist you in negotiations.
Training and Assistance
Besides our continuing outreach to the acquisition community, our experts can provide you with an overview of techniques and other tools used to evaluate commercial products and commercial pricing.

Requesting Support

Step 1

Click on the "REQUEST SUPPORT" button

Request Support


Step 2

Once the form is submitted the requestor will receive an email from the Commercial Item Group:

Step 3

Respond to that email.

Questions or concerns? Contact us at:

CIG Determination Repository
(DoD & Public Access)

A public repository providing the results of CIG commerciality reviews. Updated monthly.



Customer Feedback Survey


Commercial Item Database
(DoD Access Only)

Statutorily required database, located in PIEE, providing DoD Users access to DoD Commercial Determinations


Information for DoD Contracting Officers

Video Play

PCOs Must Upload CDs to Commercial Item Database
In accordance with 10 U.S.C. 2380(b)(2), within 30 days of contract award, the contracting officer making the determination shall upload the signed commercial determination (CD) or the decision that the product/service does not meet the commercial product or commercial service definition at FAR 2.101 to the DoD Commercial Item Database at The only documentation that is required to be uploaded to the database is the commercial determination or the decision that the product/service is not commercial. Contracting officers shall avoid uploading any data marked as proprietary or controlled unclassified information to the Commercial Item Database. If you have questions, you can reach out to our inbox


Title Name Phone
Director Dan Hawley (303) 220-4015
Deputy Director (Acting) James Ryals (303) 220-4142
CIG Team A James Ryals (303) 220-4142
CIG Team C    
CIG Team D Heidi Holloway (720) 235-2578
CIG Team E Ste'phen Adams (314) 709-6837

Ask A Question?


Request Support


Notice: Information presented here is offered in the spirit of transparency in accordance with the Open Government Directive to improve the knowledge base of both industry and Government. The information here and in linked CIG publications should not be construed as official Agency policy, DoD policy, USG legal advice or a commitment by the Government unless otherwise stated.

Any link to external information does not constitute sponsorship, endorsement, or verification of accuracy of the linked web sites, or the information, products or services contained therein.

Public use of CIG information is limited and may not be used in a manner that could imply endorsement of an individual, organization, product or service. Any commercial users of the information are required to display a non-endorsement disclaimer.