The mission of the EVMS Group contributes to the DOD acquisition process through actionable assessments of contractor effectiveness at supplier facilities, which provides stakeholders with expectations of future performance and potential impacts on individual contractors and/or programs.

Our vision is to enable reliable EVMS data and perform independent analytics with maximum efficiency. Be an adaptable, technologically sound, and highly respected team of trusted individuals..


The EVMS Group is organized functionally into six execution Groups along with our Headquarters staff. The six Groups align with the Cost & Pricing Center structure. The six Groups are detailed below. Additional contractors not listed below are assigned to a Group either through their alignment with the Cost & Pricing Center or by geographic location.

  • Director: (Donna Holden)
  • Operations Supervisor: (Erik Berg)
  • Lockheed Martin Group (Lead, Andrew Hayden)
  • Boeing Group (Lead, Carlos Fagundo)
  • BAE & General Dynamics Group (Lead, Patricia Gonzalez)
  • Raytheon/L3 Harris Group (Lead, Danielle Bemis)
  • Northrop Grumman Group (Lead, Keven Davis)
  • General Group (Lead, Jean Christian Brutus)

Business Practices

The EVMS Group defines execution of its EVMS DFARS mission via nine Business Practices (BP). All EVMS Group Business Practices require an annual re-assessment to ensure continued compliance with regulatory requirements, DCMA policy and/or DOD guidance issuances.

  • BP0 – Earned Value Management Systems
  • BP1 – EVMS Pre-Award Support
  • BP2 – EVM System Description Review
  • BP3 – EVMS General Support
  • BP4 – EVMS Surveillance
  • BP5 – Request for Compliance Assessment
  • BP6 – EVMS Compliance Review
  • BP7 – EVMS Metric Configuration Control
  • BP8 – ECDP EVMSC Career Development Program

Functional Experts

The EVMS Group identifies Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to cover certain areas of responsibility to provide consistent, reliable, accurate information for EVMS functional subjects internal and external to the Agency.

DCMA EVMS Group Training SMEs: - responsible for training guidance, EVMS informal development plans, DAWIA certification review and adjudication recommendation, and general EVMS learning internal and external to the Agency. Responsibility includes promulgation of information among EVMS Group team members at each Group location. Leads: Patricia Gonzalez, Lucinda Smith

DCMA EVMS Group Policy SMEs: - responsible for official requests for information from internal and external sources regarding policy, regulation, clause, and other EVMS functional document review. Responsible for supporting or providing responses to internal and external formal and informal requests for policy review, comments, and adjudication of EVMS functional policy, procedure, and regulatory type requests for information. Includes promulgation of information among EVMS Group team members at each Group location. Leads: Danielle Bemis, Keven Davis

DCMA EVMS Group Tools SMEs: - responsible for gathering, understanding, and processing EVMS-specific tools used in all facets of performing the EVMS functional duties in support of carrying out all aspects of the BPs as necessary. Responsibility includes promulgation of information among EVMS Group team members at each Group location. Leads: Patrick Stedem, Jean Christian Brutus

DECM Process: Any recommended changes to the DCMA EVMS Compliance Metric (DECM), general EVMS questions or input regarding the compliance metrics and process are submitted to the EVMS Group inbox (link below). All DECM change requests must be submitted no later than 2 weeks prior to next Configuration Control Board (CCB) for consideration in CCB proceedings. All DECM change requests must be submitted using redline Metric Specification Template only. DECM change requests submitted late may be considered as time allows, and may be deferred until next CCB meeting. DECM metric specification template updates are to be posted not later than 30 days after CCB proceedings close. Metric Specification Templates become effective 14 calendar days after the day they are posted. Possible impact to surveillance events in process are evaluated with each cognizant DCMA Group Lead as necessary.


EVMS Change submissions, General Questions or Input: If you have any recommended DECM change submissions, general EVMS questions, etc., contact the EVMS Group via the EVMS Group inbox link below.

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